Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Experience for Me

Well I have started my own blog, just to see if I could do it..It will be a change for me to just be able to put my own thoughts down for myself and not just have to think of the park...I do enjoy writing for the park, but sometimes I wonder if I am stepping on someones toes with some of the articles...At least here I only have to answer to myself...

At this time Marilyn and I are starting to think about taking a vacation up NORTH for a couple of weeks... We just can't seem to figure out when we want to go...HA HA That's one great thing about being retired, we don't have any time clock to punch and can go when we want to...It will be OK to go to a little cooler place for a while...We are kind of wanting to see the grand kids and see how much they have grown...Well that's all for now...Later