Sunday, October 28, 2012

Well the summer is over it seems

Well I guess I have goofed off long enough and haven't put any thing on the blog for a long time...I really haven't had any thing exciting to put down and didn't want to bore any one with just trips to Wal-mart and going out to eat...And believe me we did PLENTY of just that...Oh well what else have we to do.....We did go up north to see our kids, grand kids and greatgrandkids for a while....I didn't want to put that on the blog at the time but we had a great time seeing almost everyone....We only missed two grand kids in the visit so that's not too bad....We got to visit our parents grave sites for the first time in a couple of years so that was nice....The only thing bad was it was so hot that we were glad to get back to Texas to cool off....We like to have burnt up coming across Kansas coming home...I was sure glad the car had air-conditioning and that we didn't have any trouble at all...

Well I am going to try and put a few things on the blog more often now that the new season has started, but am not going to promise to a set pattern...There is still not much happening yet ....At least one good thing.....We are in pretty good shape for OLD people and we're quite happy with life....Later....