Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back in the Grove???

Marilyn got to go up and play cards this afternoon so I went over to Siesta Park and played pool...Must be feeling better you say and you would be right...It's kind of nice to be back in the grove....Didn't shoot too well but nice to get out of the house for a change....I noticed on the way back home on the outside temperature on the car that is was 106 degrees...I quickly turned it to inside temperature and it said 75 degrees....That's a lot better...Thank God for air in the cars....It seems like a broken record about the temperature but until something changes that's the big deal around here...How sad...Well maybe I will just have to do some thinking about something to do...We'll see....Later.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Under the Weather

Sorry I haven't put any thing on the blog for a few days as I have been under the weather so to speak....I don't know just what I have had but don't want any more of it...I never was real sick, just didn't feel good....Well it was bad enough that I didn't play pool any this week, so what does that tell you....HA HA..I know that I got as much rest as I could and tried to stay away from people after I started feeling strange...I don't know if it is or was contagious or not but wasn't going to take a chance so just stayed home and was a good boy for a change...Well that's about all that's exciting in my life for the last few days, but am looking for a better tomorrow.....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday at Magnolia

Not much going on in the park this morning....Now that we don't have Bible study or Church , we only have to go out to breakfast with some friends...They are the same ones that we usually go with each Sunday....We had a good breakfast and good conversation and laughter....We then came home and just did the TV thing...What would we do without TV,especially when the weather is too hot to do any thing outside...Even just to set out and watch the world go by so to speak....It's sure wonderful that air conditioning was invented or we wouldn't be down in deep south Texas in the summer for sure...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Special Day

Well today was our 51st wedding anniversary...We didn't have a big party or celebration or any thing like that...We just went out to dinner over in McAllen at Furr's...The only thing is we eat too much when we do that so it's good that we don't do that very often....Marilyn didn't have to cook all day and that is a break for her....We were too full from dinner to eat much tonight , so we just had some left overs from the meatloaf and potato salad from yesterday...Now I know why she made so much then....She's always thinking ahead of me it seems....After 51 years and I still don't know how she has put up with me for that long...I know that I don't have her fooled about anything so??????...I just know I couldn't do with out her...

I was talking to our youngest son (John) this afternoon and he told me that his oldest boy (Garett) got hurt in wrestling camp this week with a concussion..Later Garett called us to tell us he was OK and not hurt to bad...Marilyn was talking to him on the phone and he said "Grandma have you been married 51 years?"...She said yes and he said "That's a LONG time Grandma"...Talk about feeling OLD, that will make you think...

I had to smile when I remembered that we share the anniversary date with Butch and Barbara Brooker...Only thing is we have seniority as we were married a year before..Happy Anniversary Butch and Barbara....

Friday, July 24, 2009

Quite day at home

Marilyn still has laryngitis to some extent today...She is able to talk for a little bit and then fades out so to speak...Thank goodness she is otherwise feeling OK...But still it is irritating for her to say the least...She wasn't even able to talk to her sister Shirley tonight on the phone as she said she wouldn't be able to say more than a few words before she would lose her voice....Well tomorrow is another day and I hope it is a lot better for her....I am almost completely over mine, just a tickle in the throat once in a while...

I did go to play pool this afternoon over at Snow to Sun Park, so I was having some fun while Marilyn was able to have some quite time to take a nap and rest...The nice thing was when I got home she had made a meatloaf and some good potato salad for supper....Oh boy was it ever good...It has been a while since she had made the meatloaf, but she hasn't forgotten how...I am so lucky...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Play Day

Well I got to go to Siesta Park and play pool this afternoon with the guys...Has a great time as usual...Am invited to go to Snow to Sun Park tomorrow and probably will...Marilyn was suppose to go and play cards this afternoon , but turned it down cause she keeps losing her voice...Had a little sore throat and she didn't want to spread it if was contagious...I don't think it was but it was up to her...She just kind of took it easy and at least I got out of her way for a while...I had a little bit of it myself last night but was a lot better this morning...I didn't feel I would spread it , so I didn't feel guilty about going...She is a lot better tonight so I think the rest did her good....

I felt guilty about the other boys pictures so tonight I am going to put on my youngest son's picture with his boys....The oldest one is Garett, the next is Seth the youngest, and Zane is seated....All I know is the boys are growing up too fast....It is sure making me feel OLD when ever I am around them...I just wish I had 1/2 as much energy as they do....I guess at one time I did but have used it all up....

John and the Boys

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pictures of Family

I just had to put some pictures of the family on that I took this summer...We went up to Temple, Tx. to my grandson's for a visit and got these pictures...The only way I could get everyone was to split us up, but it worked out well...My grandson (Donny) and his wife (Pebbles) yes that's her real name, plus the great grand daughter( Ciara ) or as I call her Sweetpea....I got the guys in and put some of the most important women in my life in the other picture and of course they deserve to be first...HA HA...I am real proud of all my family and love each and everyone...Need I say more....

Pebbles, Ciara(sweetpea) Marilyn

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Donny(granson) The old man, Gene(my son)

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well I got to go play pool today at a different park and had a great time...I bet you are surprised that I got to go Hey...At least I was out of Marilyn's way for a while...A big exciting day for sure...HA HA Coffee and rolls this morning and playing pool this afternoon....This evening I had a movie that I rented and we watched most of it...We really didn't get the plot, so about 1/3 of the way through it we just quit it...I was so disappointed in it...It was with Will Smith and I though it would be good,,It got a lot of awards, but it wouldn't have from me....By the way it was called 7 Pounds..If you get it good luck...

I thought I would put another picture from our vacation and will put some more on later...This was our middle son Jim and his wife Debbie, along with his grand daughter that was visiting for the day(our great grand daughter) her name is Justine Loring...One bit of info for you all of our great grand kids ( 5 ) are girls....Go figure...More later

The Family

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Hot Day in the Park

Today was real hot and we couldn't do any thing outside for most of the day...I was able to get away for a while this afternoon and play pool over at Snow to Sun Park for 1and 1/2 hours so that was good for me...Marilyn got me out from under foot for a while anyways...

I did notice that since we came back from vacation another gator appeared in the pond...I told Marilyn that it looked like it was eyeing the rabbits like it was going to eat them...She said she would have a go around with it and it would behave...

Another Gator in the Pond

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday at Last

This is the day I can just kind of relax and boy have I...We went out to breakfast with a couple this morning at our Sunday cafe...We managed to see some of my friends from the pool league and caught up on what they had been doing....After that we came home and just watched TV and this afternoon watched a movie I had rented...Lazy day for sure..

I am going to put some pictures from our vacation on a few at a time...I don't want to bunch every thing up at once as I won't have any thing else to do or put on the blog...HA HA I want to start with the picture of my brother-in-law and his wife....This is Marilyn's brother that lives in Rogers, Arkansas...We stopped there and visited with them on the way back from Iowa and Nebraska....We had a nice visit and went out for supper with them and our nieces before we left..

I have been able to get out and play some pool at Snow to Sun park a couple of times when Marilyn wants me out of her way....I am sure glad to be able to have friends in other parks that have air conditioning in there halls to play with...

Earl and Dee Norton

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Back to the Heat

Here we come back to the park and find that the heat hasn't left but got hotter( if possible)..Marilyn said if it gets any hotter she is ready almost to go back to Iowa for some cooler weather...I didn't tell her that tomorrow(Saturday) it was suppose to be a high of 74 with a low of 47.....Now that is too cool...She was freezing when we were up there most of the time...She said that she wanted to get cold for just a bit, well she got it...At least we got to set out in the yard and enjoy the outdoors without sweating...I guess it all proves that now matter where you are you can find something that you do or don't like about it....I will have some stories to tell later...Right now I am rather tired and want some rest...Later...