Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Deep South Texas

Well when they say that Deep South Texas is a whole different country they mean it for sure...Usually this time of year we are dry, praying for rain and cool temperatures, but this year we have had several periods of rain... The Rio Grande River is running full and overflowing even filling the overflow waterways....The poor souls that built in the flood zones are flooded out and wondering "What happened?".....The temperature has been in the low 90's or high 80's everyday....I have been watching the up NORTH temps and they are seeming to be higher than down here ----At least for now....

At least the Loring life goes on with pool playing and trips to Wal-mart...Of course the several trips out to different places to eat out and just to enjoy living....How great is life when you and people around you are happy....Later...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Much New

Just thought I would write a note to let you know that I haven't forgotten that I need to put something on here or I will hear about it from someone or the other....At times I wonder if any one is reading this and then I don't put any thing on for a while and I get prodded to action...

Marilyn is still having some pain in her toes on her foot but it seems if she doesn't walk or stand on it for very long, it gets better so the trick is don't move around too much...Wal-mart is suffering and so is Marilyn as she is getting restless just staying home....I get a break by getting out and going to play pool but she is doing great by taking care of her foot and it is improving....We have gone out for some short trips to the stores so that has helped her....At least she can ride in the golf cart around the park OK and we can talk to any one we see...Tomorrow Diego will be in the park to sing and play for all to hear and dance to up at the big hall.....He comes every two weeks on a Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 pm for any one that wants to listen and or dance...He's a great entertainer and worth the effort to see...Well that's all that interesting for now...Later...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Quite a week in deep south Texas

Well I know that I haven't written anything for a week but you must forgive me as it seems something is going on every day that needs attention one way or the other....Of course last Sunday we went out for breakfast with Jim and Margret to our usual place, Sivilla's and afterward to Wal-mart of course....Monday morning I went to the usual park meeting to see what was going on in the park...In the afternoon we went to pot luck up at the hall with some of the residents of the park...When we got home, Marilyn managed to bump her little toe on her left foot quite badly...She has been hurting ever since and hobbling around...She doesn't believe that she broke the toe just bruised it pretty good...So Wal-mart has been getting a break from her this week...

We have been keeping an eye on the rising waters of the river, not that they will ever get to us, but several roads have been shut down in the area....1015 road just south of us has been shut down all week and is 6 to 8 feet deep in water in the low area....Many of the folks in the flood plain are either under water or about to be, so they need some prayers for sure...

Till next time.....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wet Week for Deep South Texas

This week we have had nothing but rain on and off and going into the mosquito wrangling business, so it's been interesting to say the least...All you have to do is go outside to either get wet or bitten by a mosquito or both...What fun...At least we don't have to worry about being flooded out like so many of the people in the valley along the river and some of the low lying colonials...

I have been playing pool every day either here or at another park, taking Marilyn to HEB or Wal-Mart to get some exercise or shopping...Today we went to a new place for us to eat...Tex Mex was the name most folks use for the place and was the food good...We definitely will be going back in the future...Well we definitely lead a kind of boring life or rut as we call it but it sure beats working...HA HA

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Fourth is over

Well the holiday is over and much food has been eaten and enjoyed...You know that all of us eat when ever there is even talk of a holiday or event coming up....Of course it doesn't take too much to make an event for most of us OLD people any more so you can take it from there...Some how I have slipped back in to playing pool almost every day again...Imagine that!!! At least this year I have air conditioned halls to play in, so it sure makes it more enjoyable....Well when ever I don't have to take Marilyn to Wal-Mart she is sure willing to get me out from under foot so she can clean house or just take a nap so every one wins in the end...

I just want everyone to know that with the rain from the storm (ALEX) we are blessed with a bumper crop of mosquitoes so it's kind of hard to do any thing out doors with out swatting the little buggers all the time...So count your blessings if you don't have to put up with them where ever you are ....If you have them I know just how you feel....More later...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We Survived the Storm

Well the storm is over and past us about a hundred miles south in Mexico...I am so glad that it missed us cause I didn't want Marilyn to tell me she told me we should get out of Dodge before it got here...I didn't want to go as we had just gotten home and was too tired to travel any more....We did get a lot of rain (about 6 inches worth) during the day and night, but hardly any wind, at least here at the house....It would rain like cats and dogs for a little bit and then just let up and the sun would come out for a while and then do it again...Kind of crazy as just as you got out to look around it would start to rain and get you wet before you could get back to the house...At least nothing was tore up....

I made a trip over to Magnolia and drove through on every street and didn't see any damage, just several small LAKES that I drove threw...So all the folks up NORTH can breathe easy about their homes down here....We are sup post to have more showers on and off for the next few days, but we don't need the rain as we have plenty of it now....Well more later...