Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well it's been a couple of days so I'll try to update the blog a little....Last weekend was just busy enough but didn't seem to get any thing done...Marilyn had some things to do and didn't want me under foot so I went up to Snow to Sun park and played pool for a couple of hours Saturday afternoon...Big surprise about that I bet....Sunday morning we went to Magnolia Part for Church services and then to breakfast at Sevilla's with Jim and Margret Vargason....It was kind of crowded for a change but we found room....After breakfast we went to Big Lots for a little shopping...They have a few items we like to get there....Monday we went to pot luck at the park...We have had to kind of pick out times to go out as it showers to pouring just every once in a while...We don't need anymore rain for a few days but I guess we will take it when ever it comes...I have taken a couple of pictures of Marilyn's alligator pond and have put it on for all to see...She hasn't completely stocked it yet but the gators like it any way....I forgot to write down that we have been seeing a mother bobcat and her three kittens every day or so...They aren't tame for sure but they aren't afraid of us if we don't approach them....They are sure taking down the rabbit population in the surrounding area...I would think that when that happens they will move on to better hunting ground...They are fun to watch for sure....Later....