Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Much New

Just thought I would write a note to let you know that I haven't forgotten that I need to put something on here or I will hear about it from someone or the other....At times I wonder if any one is reading this and then I don't put any thing on for a while and I get prodded to action...

Marilyn is still having some pain in her toes on her foot but it seems if she doesn't walk or stand on it for very long, it gets better so the trick is don't move around too much...Wal-mart is suffering and so is Marilyn as she is getting restless just staying home....I get a break by getting out and going to play pool but she is doing great by taking care of her foot and it is improving....We have gone out for some short trips to the stores so that has helped her....At least she can ride in the golf cart around the park OK and we can talk to any one we see...Tomorrow Diego will be in the park to sing and play for all to hear and dance to up at the big hall.....He comes every two weeks on a Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 pm for any one that wants to listen and or dance...He's a great entertainer and worth the effort to see...Well that's all that interesting for now...Later...