Today was a great day as the weather was nice, a little humid but the temperature was not bad...Of course the day started out with Church Service over at Magnolia Park with the so far small group , but that will soon change as the season goes on...Afterwards we went to breakfast at Sevilla's in Weslaco where we met Jim and Margret Vargason...We almost have a standing appointment for every Sunday morning...Not too bad a deal as we have to have breakfast some where and this way Marilyn doesn't have to cook...What a deal...HUH...Afterwards we dropped in at Don-West flea market to see if many vendors where in...I got to see several that I know and to say HI....Of course we had to also go to WAl-mart for the usual pick up of various items needed....It seems like we never remember to get everything at one time...That means we have to go back another time to make up the rest of the stuff....It makes for an interesting time any way and you get to see and talk to people along the way...
Last Thursday I went and have shots in both my knees as I have had swelling and soreness for some time...I put it off as long as I could but thought it was time...They are a lot better now..It is really nice that the medicine now is at times a magical worker for sickness and pain....