The weather has turned from hot to real nice and it's a welcome change for sure...I have been trying to do some outside work done in the last few days, so have been kind of busy(at least for me)...The siding needs to be washed and the dust to be gone...I just do a section at a time and then stop...All this is hard work for an old fat boy....HA HA...Between going to Wal-mart, playing pool, and going out to eat once in a while the time just flies by...I got a good break Sunday when we went to church over at Magnolia...We sure enjoy attending the service and the fellowship there...I think we will always feel that we are still part of the Magnolia family...
Today I just did some running around for some parts that were needed to fix the power washer and pricing some paint for a couple of projects...This afternoon we went up to the hall for pot luck supper, and Marilyn and I both ate too much...There was too much sweets to be had as usual so they are hard to resist...Oh well life's so good if you just keep smiling...