Monday, May 7, 2012
How can I be this busy??
I just realized as I was doing the Magnolia Blog that I hadn't written any thing on my own blog for a couple of weeks....I will try to catch you up on some of the going's on....Although nothing to exciting for most to hear, but anyway....A couple of weeks ago we did have some stormy weather in the valley but nothing happened here.....I didn't go at night to play pool in other parks as I didn't want to leave Marilyn here if it was storming....Luckily for me that wasn't often....Last weekend Marilyn and I went up to Temple , Texas to visit our grandson, his wife and our greatgranddaughters.....The youngest celebrated her first birthday and we got to be in on it.....She has grown quite a bit since we saw her last fall.....What a joy to be able to spend time with the grand kids, but at our age it's hard to keep up with them....HA HA...This week between resting up from the trip, playing pool here in the park and over at another park a coupe of nights , taking Marilyn on Wal-Mart tours and eating out a couple of times nothing much else has happened....HA HA...Oh well I didn't say it wouldn't be boring, just busy....Later....I just hope my one reader hasn't given up on me...( DS)...