Well we are getting a little rain at last in the area....It has rained hard several times in the last few days so we are finally starting to have the grass green up some.....The trouble is when it has rained it has pored and a lot of it has run off and not soaked in...Oh well at least we are getting some...
I have been getting along very well with the cpap machine at night....I can't be any more surprised at just how well I have been able to get use to it....Marilyn says now I don't snore when I sleep now....That's something that I have done for years( or so they tell me)...I still haven't heard any thing from the Dr.s about my surgery on my knees but I don't expect to until I check in again with the sleep Dr. and he makes his report....I know that my knees aren't getting any better and are getting worse each day....Oh well we just have to do what we can and do out best no matter what....Life is still good and most people don't realize just how blessed we are....Later.....