Well Marilyn and I are great-grand parents AGAIN!!!!We are so happy for our grand son that we can't stop smiling and running to the computer to see if there is any more pictures posted....This is Gene's son that lives up in Temple, Texas that we go and see every so often....We have been waiting all winter since we found out that Pebbles was having a baby that we couldn't think of too much else and now she is here....Thank God she is really healthy and a blessing for the Loring family....
On another note for those that are reading and trying to figure out if any thing else happened today....I did go over to Magnolia Park and pick up my girl friend (Eva Foote) and take her to Harlingen air port to pick up her daughter (Ella) so she will be here to drive Eva and Floyd home for the summer when they get ready....Floyd celebrated his 98th birthday about a week ago and I think he can still run circles around me...It is good to see both of them in good spirits and active...Before I left Eva said to me "I have something for you" and gave me a custard pie (my favorite) to take home....What more can you ask for....More later....time for pie...