Well we have been busy this week doing one thing or the other....I have been playing pool of course in a couple of leagues and at our park during regular play days...Nine ball league on Monday afternoon, 8 ball in the park on Tuesday afternoons, 8 ball in the league on Wednesday morning, and nine ball in the park on Friday afternoon...Of course we have to practice a few nights for a couple of hours just to keep in shape so to speak..HA HA It's a tough life for the old fat boy...
Last Monday the park model was sold and moved out of the park...We were sad to see it go out of the park but we needed to get rid of it...We have had a couple of calls on the mobile and showed it a couple of times...This morning we showed it to a couple for the second time and they said that they wanted it and consider it sold...We are going to draw up some papers Monday morning and receive the down payment....We have come to terms that are agreeable to all concerned so I would say it's a done deal....I know that they and us will be happy with everything...We are kind of sad to sell and leave the park but we must do what we need to do...Till next time keep the faith....