Friday, July 24, 2009

Quite day at home

Marilyn still has laryngitis to some extent today...She is able to talk for a little bit and then fades out so to speak...Thank goodness she is otherwise feeling OK...But still it is irritating for her to say the least...She wasn't even able to talk to her sister Shirley tonight on the phone as she said she wouldn't be able to say more than a few words before she would lose her voice....Well tomorrow is another day and I hope it is a lot better for her....I am almost completely over mine, just a tickle in the throat once in a while...

I did go to play pool this afternoon over at Snow to Sun Park, so I was having some fun while Marilyn was able to have some quite time to take a nap and rest...The nice thing was when I got home she had made a meatloaf and some good potato salad for supper....Oh boy was it ever good...It has been a while since she had made the meatloaf, but she hasn't forgotten how...I am so lucky...