Well I was lazy yesterday and didn't put any thing on the blog, so will try to catch up today..Yesterday about all we go accomplished was we had to make one of our trips to Wal-Mart tours for the week...You know that you have to go every day or so just to see it they moved any thing...You don't necessarily have to buy anything, just go and walk around and get your exercise in air conditioning ...(it's hot here outside)...It's a chance to get out of the house at least....
We had coffee and rolls this morning at the little hall...There weren't many of us but the company was good and we had some laughs...Marilyn played cards this afternoon and I went over to another park and played pool...This way we both get to do something we like and get out of the house and away from the TV....The trip up NORTH is still in the planning...I am afraid that when we go up there it will turn off hot and we are going to get the blame, but I guess that is just how it goes...Later...